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Facebook Audience Network – TopOn Official Bidding Partnership Announcement


We are excited to announce that TopOn is now an official bidding partner with Facebook Audience Network. By making bidding with Facebook Audience Network more widely available, the integration is now available to all publishers, and the process is making it quicker and easier for our publishers to experience the full benefits of in-app bidding, maximizing ad monetization and improving operational efficiency through real-time bidding. 


The significant Facebook ad ecosystem will join our other bidding partners like Chartboost, Mintegral, myTarget, InMobi, etc, helping drive more competition for publishers’ inventory. For more detail, please reach out to our business manager(business@toponad.com


全球领先的移动广告聚合平台TopOn,正式宣布与Facebook Audience Network达成合作伙伴关系。随着Facebook Audience Network更广泛的应用,开发者现可通过TopOn Bidding功能更便捷地获得Facebook Audience Network海量广告资源,进一步提升广告收益与运营效率。


截至目前,TopOn Bidding功能已支持开通Facebook Audience Network、Chartboost、Mintegral、myTarget、InMobi等广告平台Bidding权限,更多应用内竞价解决方案详情可以联系TopOn商务人员,或邮件business@toponad.com咨询了解。

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